My sister is expecting her first baby (and my first nephew!) early May, so it was time to throw her a baby shower! Well if you have been following me for even a little bit of time, you know I love to throw themed parties, and I love to do things different from anything else out there! Well this was no exception! I actually decided MONTHS ago what the theme was going to be for the shower and picked the colors and got to work! We finally had the shower and now I am going to share all the fun things I did for it! I came across these adorable Baby Monster's Inc clothes at Target, and I immediately knew that was the theme I wanted to go with! If you haven't seen the Disney baby clothing you have to check it out, it's SO cute! So each day for the next week or so I am going to share a project I did for the shower. I created a new scrap kit to go along with the theme as well, and you can find that in my store if you are looking to scrap! If you are throwing a baby shower and are looking for some printables, you can find a whole bunch of coordinating printables in this theme in my Etsy store. Of course for my own personal use, I used a Mike and Sulley that I created, however I can't sell those guys, so when you see them in the pictures just know they aren't included, they were just for my sister's shower only.
So the first thing I want to share is this cute New Mom Survival Kit! If you remember I made a Valentine's chocolate box for my boys (found in this post), and I knew I wanted to do the same for my sister. So I bought a bead organizer box from the craft store, it's Darice brand, and it was $1.99. I then took the box along with me to the party store and filled it up there using their candy bins! I created a cute top to put on the box and just attached it with some double sided tape

I color coordinated the candy on the inside and I even made some hershey nugget wrappers and kiss bottoms to match the theme and put those in the box too!
a close up of some of the candies
It was a cute gift and she really liked it!!
Be sure to stop by tomorrow to see some more ideas for this fun baby shower theme!
So cute! I love it! (the kit AND the gift idea!)